The moment I first heard that there will be a Hello Kitty Convention , my initial reaction was priceless! Then, I prayed that the venue will be somewhere in the United States so that I can attend. And, it was announced that the venue will be held in Los Angeles --- I jumped (3x!) and immediately browse for flight schedule available on October 30 to November 2. I nearly forgot to purchase the entrance tickets which is $30 per day, so my cousin & I decided to go on Friday which is October 31. But airfare during weekend is expensive so I arrived earlier (Thursday) and hangout with my longtime friend who is currently near in LA. I took the 10am flight going to Los Angeles courtesy of American Airlines. We arrived a bit earlier. Then, I took a cab going to Miyako Hotel (I spent overnight in Little Tokyo) and rushed to claim my badge which is just few blocks away from the hotel. I saw HK fanatics everywhere. The ambiance is exciting. The streets were filled with HK banners. I saw a HK