C2E2: Celebrating 10 years of comics, cosplay and pop cultureconvention in Chicago

The Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo brings ton of experience to all ages whether you love comics, toys or looking for any pop culture memorabilia. It was my first time to experience attending this convention in Chicago since the location is too far from my place (about 20 miles commute) and considering the cold weather (yes, still cold in Spring!) . I was planning to attend any weekend (Saturday or Sunday) when this contest pop up on my Facebook newsfeed for C2E2 by Bugle Newspaper Facebook Page. I answered the question by sending a private message. Few days later, they told me that I won two all-weekend passes to C2E2 (a belated birthday gift to me!). Good thing I haven't bought my ticket yet so I took a friday off from work and IT'S OFFICIAL, I'M GOING TO C2E2!!! I checked Google Maps right away to plan my trip to Chicago. It looked like taking buses and trains will be too tiring for me since it requires a lot of walking and transfers so I decided to b...