Be a guardian of the cyberspace - no to gatecrasher blaggers!
This campaign has been shared to some of my friend's walls and saying that this stupidity must end, ASAP! Before migrating to the outer space, I am an active blogger covering for several events like entertainment, food, lifestyle - name it and I think I have been a diligent blogger where I responded quickly if I'm attending or declining. As soon as the event invite landed on my inbox, I usually check my calendar if there are any other particular activity on that day for not to clash any event that I have confirmed. Worst comes when there is a weather disturbance (oh stupid storms and heavy traffic in EDSA, slow moving buses for 8 hours!) . So what's this blog post about? Hmmm, years passed by, and let's forward on 2014 - blogging has changed . bloggers changed. attitude becomes worst. hungerness for lootbags. take home stuffs which is inappropriate. huge demands or else a bad publicity will crawled online. stealing cameras and luxury items inside the event. blogs that