Yahoo Groups to Shut down on December 15, 2020

I received this notice from my GMAIL inbox that Yahoogroups will be permanently shut down on December 15. It was on early 2000 since I moderated several YahooGroups. It was a good journey to meet people during those times and was able to create a community who you share the same interest. I tried to recover some of my emails and files that I uploaded but unfortunately they said data were removed in 2019. I think I missed the email. I wanted to thank everyone who became part of f4_phils and Jerry Yan Philippines Yahoogroups though you know where to reach me :) I'm active on Social Media - Facebook, Twitter and Instagram but I never created another group since the resources were available online and other International groups are generous enough to share the updates unlike before that I need to login to different forums and asked permission to the admin to allow us to repost the news/events/photos/videos! Two of the most actively used group platform were gone - YahooGroups and Multi...