The First Steps of Getting Your Home-Based Business Off the Ground

 Running a home-based business comes with many advantages. For one, it gives you the freedom to work on your terms. As your own boss, you set your office hours, decide what products/services to offer, and determine the general direction of the business, among many other factors. Working from home means that you can save money on overhead costs, spend more time working since you don’t have a daily commute, and if you plan accordingly, you can enjoy a better work-life balance.

Image via Burst

While the benefits are many, in order for your home-based business to succeed, you need to go into it prepared and learn what strategies work along the way. Glamour Moments offers the following practical tips and information to help you start off on the right foot.

Consider the COVID-19 Pandemic

If you want to start a business right now, you shouldn’t let the pandemic stop you. Nonetheless, the current economic climate does require you to make special considerations. For instance, if you’ve already drawn up a business plan, Wordstream suggests you might need to adapt it to accommodate a number of possible scenarios. Also, you will want to research to get an idea of how the pandemic could affect your company, as well as think outside the box for various ways to bring in money.

Prioritize Collaboration

If you’re running a business out of your home, hiring remote workers is a practical approach. While there are many advantages to working with a remote team, it’s important to do it the right way. And collaboration is the single most essential aspect of working well when your team members are in different locations.

Communication tools like Slack can provide your team with the platform necessary to keep everyone on the same page. Not only does Slack allow you to create various channels, depending on which members need to be included on a certain message or project, but it also has a newsfeed feature that you can use to make essential announcements to the whole team.

Build an Office

When working from home, you can only be so productive without a space to call your own. Choose a good spot for your home office, whether it’s in the garage, basement, spare bedroom, or any other area that provides you with enough space to work comfortably.

As you’re setting up your office, be sure to get all the equipment (e.g., computer, desk, chair) necessary for you to run your business effectively. Also, try to position your workspace so that you get a lot of natural light flowing in, as it can do wonders for productivity.

Find the Right Schedule

One of the main perks of owning a home-based business is that you can set your own work hours; however, you have to make a point to follow your schedule diligently. Prioritize your job as you would if you were working an office gig somewhere (if not more), and make sure you designate solid, productive work hours throughout the day and/or night. This may require a little bit of trial and error, but focus on finding a schedule that works well for your living situation.

Establish Boundaries in the Household

One big challenge of working from home is that you are just a few steps away for family members. This can lead to endless distractions, especially if you have kids. Once you’ve found the work hours that work for you, make sure everyone in your household is on board and that they will respect your boundaries.

Even amid the COVID-19 pandemic, now is a good time to start a business from home. Just be sure to consider anything you need to do differently in light of the pandemic, and make collaboration a top priority. Also, create a home office that meets your needs, find a workable schedule, and set boundaries for your workdays. Implementing tips like these will help you get a strong start with your business and put you in a position to succeed long-term.

Look to Glamour Moments for additional insights and information, blogging opportunities, event invites, and more!

Derek Goodman is an entrepreneur. He’d always wanted to make his own future, and he knew growing his own business was the only way to do that. He created his site Inbizability, to offer you tips, tricks, and resources so that you realize your business ability and potential now, not later. +


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