My Unboxing Series


I would like to share my unboxing series on this blog post. Since the pandemic, I haven't really went to a mall to shop what I want instead I rely on online shopping. It's sad to learn that some establishments decided to close because there's no foot traffic and the sales were down.

I have a Prime membership on Amazon which offers "free shipping" so basically I order my stuff through Amazon - everything I need from Shower caddy to Fitbit band replacement to underwear or even essentials! I only go out on weekends to grocery and refill our pantry, I miss going out to the mall and browse different products. Sometimes, it's really hard to decide if you like the dress you saw online because you will only think the size "fits" you but it really depends on the quality of fabric and design. 

Enjoy watching this short clip that I compiled and uploaded on Youtube. I have been taking some videos of my unboxing so that I would remember how often I order online and how fun it is to receive something on the mail! LOL

How about you? Where do you usually shop? What are the stuff you bought recently online?


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