My Post Notes from ClickZ Chicago 2015

I won an all access pass to ClickZ Live Chicago last November 17. I would like to thank those who supported and voted for my entry.

clickz winners
Yes, this event is worth $2K! Feels like I won a lottery! Every digital marketer (like me), wishes to attend big events like this. So, I grabbed my very last chance on that night to submit my entry. Luckily, I got the highest vote and WON.


As promised to everyone am sharing some of the topics as well as the links to the presentations and articles. Are you excited?


ClickZ Live Chicago 2015 was held at Hyatt Regency in downtown Chicago. It was a three days of new learnings, discoveries and networking plus full of excitement and fun (happy hour) right after each sessions. The kick off pre-launch party was held a day before the actual event, unfortunately I have work and my workplace is far from downtown. The morning keynote was all about digital transformation and it was amazingly delivered by Victor Lee of Hasbro. As we deal with technology, rampant changes occur and we should embrace the changes. Learning from how He deal with changes made me realized that each of us should be aware about the transformation and assess ourselves how should we blend in the environment.

Next sessions discussed about optimizing landing pages, remarketing, seo strategy, and analytics. Though those topics were similar and can be read/found online (there were tons of articles and videos you can research about it) but what made them interesting was there were case studies presented and I was able to learn from them like discovering the errors, how to troubleshoot them and perform several tests before and after launching your website or any campaigns.

I am overwhelmed with too much information during that day. I skipped the second day event because I have important matter to do at work and came back the last day which was the training day. There were two trainings I attended, email marketing (morning) and SEO technical (afternoon).

View my ClickZ Chicago Notes (Google Docs)

Overall, the event was a big success! I wish I will have a chance to attend next year. Working in digital world means you have to be flexible on several things. There were no perfect process but as long as your website or campaign follows the right guidelines and practices - you're safe. And, don't afraid to test or try something new - there will be (sometimes, not always) downfalls in between your implemented strategies but the most important is is that - you are learning so start adapting the changes in your environment.


Inspirational Quotes from Victor Lee:
"Most content today fails"
"Engage, don't advertise"
"Have goals, make a plan"
"nostalgia is the enemy of progress"

[caption id="attachment_10616" align="alignleft" width="347"]11045497_10206374877943393_701955594176707645_n Very tasteful, Hyatt's Cheesecake.[/caption]


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