My first @influenster Voxbox @houlihans @inspiralized #HouZoodles

How to get an Influenster VoxBox and Freebies Online

I stumbled upon this on Twitter when I search for the term "freebies" or "free giveaways." I joined last year and never been an active member until I have time today to browse more about Influenster's mechanics on how to score freebies.

[caption id="attachment_10925" align="aligncenter" width="640"]influenster page Join today,[/caption]

Influenster is a program which sent outs sample products (yes, name them...they have everything!) and as a consumer through the power of social media (using your personal account linked to Influenster), you'll able to share or review the products on hand.

To be able to start receiving these awesome boxes of heavenly goodies, you must sign up and join Influesnter. There are ways to be able to reconnect like using your Social Media accounts: Facebook, Twitter or Google. Then, earn badges from different categories (lifestyle, food, make up, service, etc). You can become an expert by writing a review, answer a question or share some awesome status through Social Media.

influester campaigns

You must check your email regularly and watch out for the Influenster Email invite to qualify and receive a VoxBox.

There are step by step instructions on your dashboard on how to share your VoxBox.

I got my first VoxBox the other day and started working with my campaign.



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