Not your ordinary cup of tea

I received a registered mail from the Philippines! It was sent in August probably the US customs checked the contents because the envelope was slightly opened and am thankful that the stuff inside was completely intact and unharmed.

I am so excited to try the tea samples that my friend gave me. I really love tea and I love the "animated" designs of these tea packets! These are really different teas from what I heard from my friends because these are made of blended flavors so you'll be impressed when you taste it.

Karel Capek, an Original tea blend created and mastered by Utako Yamada. From what I read from their Facebook page in One Tap Lifestyle, Utako Yamada is a popular illustrator/author of children books and she was inspired to "invent" different flavors of tea. Aside from that, the designs of each tea packets captured the hearts of many female tea lovers -- like me! I also researched online that she also designed a merchandise for Sanrio (I still have to confirm about that!).

So far I have tasted two variants: Alice Chocolate Grey and Sakura Ceylon tea! Both tasted really GOOD.

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Alice Chocolate Grey
From the name itself, this tea has a unique blend of Earl Grey and chocolate flavor! I was so excited to take a sip and it was so good! I didn't know that you Early Grey and chocolate will be a great combination. Overall, the taste complement to each other. I usually love drinking Earl Grey tea because the compound bergamot helps me to relieve my stress.

Having my Sakura Ceylon tea during my lunch break! It smells sooo good!!! @onetaplifestyle #onetaplifestyle #teatime

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Cherry Blossoms with Karel Capek Sakura Ceylon Tea
I love the smell of Cherry blossoms! I know Ceylon tea is commonly known as black tea but the sweetness of Sakura is perfectly blended!

Other teas that I am looking forward to taste and yes, I am excited :)

White Peach Tea, Good Night Herb,  Garden Party, Girls Tea

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You can purchase Karel Capek's tea collection in One Tap Lifestyle Facebook Page.

Tea saga continues...

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Because of my craziness and love over tea, I went to Adagio Teas Old Orchard Mall in Skokie, IL and tried their new exclusive flavor called "Bonfire" - a marshmallow made with Lapsang Souchong tea. I did not know that you can pair gourmet marshmallows and tea. I LIKE IT.
Matcha ❤Love

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Another discovery when I went to Asian store is Matcha Love Organic Green Tea! I only bought two bottles to try at home and I want to buy some more! It has zero calories per bottle, made from pure matcha and green tea powder. No sugar added or preservative!

Please also read the benefits of drinking tea: 


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