Rock that Fat Away

Last September, I have decided to take this challenge and hoping to trim down. I've wanted to lose some pounds and make myself feel comfortable. So, I documented my goal to lose weight. From 190, one of my heaviest last January, am now 184 (hoping to lose more weight!). All I have to do is to discipline myself from eating and schedule a work out plan despite of my busy schedule at work.




Because of some health conditions like asthma, allergies and being flat footed (I can't run and I don't use treadmill), I was advised to work out slowly (usually I spent 45 mins to 1 hour at the gym). They say that losing weight is one of the hardest things to do and putting weight is easier haha. I know that it will took several months or maybe years to achieve my desired weight, accepting this battle is somehow one of my biggest decision -- Yes, it's difficult but am enjoying it. Temptations are just around the corner, and cheat days usually happen anytime of the day!

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Passport to a new YOU
Last Saturday, I attended 'Rock that Fat Away' campaign held in Glorietta Activity Center (Palm Drive). The main purpose of the event is to inform everyone that we have to look good and healthy, plus gain awareness on beauty and wellness through visiting the site, (registration is free).

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That afternoon, we have been informed the serious problems of overweight and obesity (improper weight loss methods were also discussed). How to achieve and maintain your required body weight includes a balance and healthy diet and doing some various physical activities (we had an exclusive Zumba session right after the program).

The Rock The Fat Away TVCs have been aired on local television channels and catch several webisodes and social media activities. You may logon to its official website - and like its Facebook page at facebok/clubnewyou

About the website
Club New You is a virtual portal aimed at providing guidance for weight loss and achieving a healthy body weight. I saw some of its helpful tools like BMI calculator and calorie counter. You may also have a chance to earn points by entering the promo codes on purchased Xenical packs, that entitle members to quality in special promos and prizes.



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