Roll down the red carpet for Disney’s Princesses of Pop!

Celebrate pop royalty with three Poptastic princesses who don’t only flash their shining crowned tresses on your TV screens, they also rock out the world with their infectious music led by their power vocals!
Roll down the red carpet for Disney’s Princesses of Pop!
She started out as an innocent daughter of a caterer who had a simple dream of going to the hottest camp in town, Camp Rock! She had the ultimate chance of a lifetime of starring in a movie alongside the biggest heartthrobs of the teen world, The Jonas Brothers! Yet, instead of receiving hate mail from across the globe from numerous Jonas fans, she became a hot topic and the favorite of both boys and girls due to her power vocals and insistently charming looks! Her new album, Here We Go Again has been in retail and music charts for consecutive weeks and despite its massive success, Demi is far from laying back and going with the flow. She’s up on her feet again for the sequel of Camp Rock! The sequel features a rival camp, called Camp Star! It’s a duel between the hottest Disney icons you wouldn’t want to miss. For the meantime, check out as Demi Lovato shows her crazy antics with the Jonas Brothers in their latest online video, BOUNCE.
Selena Gomez took her sweet time before recording her debut album. After all, she had her hands full starring in her hit Disney Channel series "Wizards of Waverley Place," not to mention appearing in a string of movies and other TV shows. Still, music had been a core passion of hers going back to childhood. A child no more, Selena comes on strong with her premiere CD, Kiss & Tell. It is nothing less than the emancipation proclamation of a young artist with a lot to say. She admits that she initially prioritized acting playing roles in Barney, Spy Kids 3-D, Horton Hears a Who and the infamous Wizards of Waverly Place. Yet even before making her album, she is no stranger to the world of music - soundtracks to be exact. She has also performed songs "101 Dalmatians," "Another Cinderella Story" and "Tinker Bell." With a new album, a hit show and more movies on the horizon, it's a wonder Selena has time left for anything else. But she makes time to give something back. She has volunteered for St Jude's Hospital for children, Disney's Friends for Change and she was twice named youth ambassador for UNICEF, a role that recently took her on a fact-finding trip to Africa. It all served to expand her perspective on life. "I am constantly growing and changing," she says, "but I like to think my morals about family and friendships haven't changed,” words from a princess who doesn’t only care about her passion in life but the welfare of her fellow dreamers as well.
Ask any kid nowadays who their favorite teen star is and you’ll definitely get Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus as an answer. She is one of the most exposed teen icons in the industry today with her talent and irresistible looks flaunted on TV, magazines, movies, newspapers, toy stores, and all other avenues for exposure, making her so reachable, fans worldwide just can’t get enough! Yet, much recognition should be given for her music that crosses all boarders of society. She is the youngest star to be lined up alongside the industry’s legends. Just recently, she was able to beat veteran artists Black Eyed Peas and Mariah Carey with her new single, Party in the U.S.A. Her latest album, The Time of Our Lives is rapidly climbing up local music retail charts and has seated at the number one position in global scoring. As if one album is not enough, the soundtrack of the full movie version of her top series Hannah Montana has reached Gold status as well! Her success continues to spread like wildfire whether it’s in acting, singing or dancing and there’s definitely more to look forward to as her evolution continues towards a smooth transition from teeny bopper heartthrob to a full pledged music phenomenon! Miley Cyrus is indeed a jack of all trades that masters all fields of excellence.
Celebrate the music of Disney’s Princesses of Pop by grabbing copies of their new albums, Here We Go Again (Demi Lovato), Kiss & Tell (Selena Gomez & The Scene), the Time of Our Lives (Miley Cyrus) now available at your Odyssey, Astrovision and Music One stores! Their songs are also available for mobile as ring back tones, true tones and full track music.
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The new albums of Disney’s Princesses of Pop are exclusively distributed by MCA Music Inc