Turning 30 And Still Loving Toys - Part 2
Roger Decierdo's Toycon 2015 coverage continues.....
And speaking of cosplays, the older crowd gamely joined as the cosplay event got underway. While there were a lot of the usual characters from currently popular franchises, there were also a lot of unique ones like the North Korean soldier from controversial 2014 comedy film The Interview. There was also a nice throwback to some beloved characters from our childhood like Princess Sarah (done by a guy) from that popular 90’s classic.

Figure 11 Si Princess Sarah. Patatas na lang kulang.

Figure 12 The North Korean soldier
While the costumes were definitely greatly made, it was the cosplayers’ portrayals of their characters that really brought the house down laughing. One of the best was the guy who played Vegeta (from Dragon Ball Z), who came prepared with flashy special effects (actually just a guy waving pieces of cloth and moving around pieces of paper).

Figure 13 Vegeta firing his Garlic Gun. Impressive special effects!
Some more impressive cosplays

Figure 14 R2-D2 stroller. Clever.

Of course, since this is Toycon, the real reason why a lot of the 30-something crowd are here is to get their hands on some toys. And there are definitely a lot of those to see. The exhibits featured several vintage collections like the Coca-cola memorabilia set and a classic Voltes V figure with a matching Camp Big Falcon.

Figure 15 Coke memorabilia

Figure 16 Borutesu Faibu

Figure 17 Primes
And as always, the market area was one of the biggest attractions for con goers, with the venue packed with people that it was sometimes hard to move around in. There were all kinds of toys for all ages, from colourful stuffed animals for the young ones, to those impressive action figures worth thousands of pesos that only the most serious (and cash-laden) adult collectors would be more than willing to buy. There are also plenty of stalls selling a variety of used toys, which were great for collectors hoping to grab a lucky find for cheap.

Figure 18 Me Funko Pop si Pareng Joe Rizal. At least walang photobomber na building sa likod.

Figure 19 For the girls (and I was tempted to buy her. If only I had enough money).

Figure 20 Megazords galore!

Figure 21: Mini gasul at Toycon, cause why not? (sayang di ko nabili)
37-year old toy collector Edmond Go Villamor isn’t all that surprised with Toycon’s popularity among adult toy enthusiasts. He explains that toy collecting is just like any hobby that someone would be interested in, adding that it would sometimes be in line with that person’s other interests. “In my case, I like anime a lot, so I tend to collect the toys and action figures associated with the particular series I am following.”
Villamor also brushed aside the notion that fondness for toys is a sign of immaturity. “To each his own,” he said. He also noted that some collectors have actually turned their hobby into business, opening their own stores for other collectors.
Seeing a lot of buying and selling transactions going on during the event, Villamor also gave some advice when it comes to buying or selling items. “Honesty is the rule here.
Make sure you stick closely with the deal that you and the other party have agreed upon.” He also said that, when haggling, the buyer should not ask for way below the seller’s set price.
After the interview, I went on to enjoy more of the convention, carrying the new figure I bought from Villamor to add to my own collection. Will I still be attending next year? Definitely, and I am looking forward to what new plaything I would get then.

Figure 22: She was supposed to do the coverage with me. But, oh well. Try again next year, Miku.
And speaking of cosplays, the older crowd gamely joined as the cosplay event got underway. While there were a lot of the usual characters from currently popular franchises, there were also a lot of unique ones like the North Korean soldier from controversial 2014 comedy film The Interview. There was also a nice throwback to some beloved characters from our childhood like Princess Sarah (done by a guy) from that popular 90’s classic.
Figure 11 Si Princess Sarah. Patatas na lang kulang.
Figure 12 The North Korean soldier
While the costumes were definitely greatly made, it was the cosplayers’ portrayals of their characters that really brought the house down laughing. One of the best was the guy who played Vegeta (from Dragon Ball Z), who came prepared with flashy special effects (actually just a guy waving pieces of cloth and moving around pieces of paper).
Figure 13 Vegeta firing his Garlic Gun. Impressive special effects!
Some more impressive cosplays
Figure 14 R2-D2 stroller. Clever.
Of course, since this is Toycon, the real reason why a lot of the 30-something crowd are here is to get their hands on some toys. And there are definitely a lot of those to see. The exhibits featured several vintage collections like the Coca-cola memorabilia set and a classic Voltes V figure with a matching Camp Big Falcon.
Figure 15 Coke memorabilia
Figure 16 Borutesu Faibu
Figure 17 Primes
And as always, the market area was one of the biggest attractions for con goers, with the venue packed with people that it was sometimes hard to move around in. There were all kinds of toys for all ages, from colourful stuffed animals for the young ones, to those impressive action figures worth thousands of pesos that only the most serious (and cash-laden) adult collectors would be more than willing to buy. There are also plenty of stalls selling a variety of used toys, which were great for collectors hoping to grab a lucky find for cheap.
Figure 18 Me Funko Pop si Pareng Joe Rizal. At least walang photobomber na building sa likod.
Figure 19 For the girls (and I was tempted to buy her. If only I had enough money).
Figure 20 Megazords galore!
Figure 21: Mini gasul at Toycon, cause why not? (sayang di ko nabili)
37-year old toy collector Edmond Go Villamor isn’t all that surprised with Toycon’s popularity among adult toy enthusiasts. He explains that toy collecting is just like any hobby that someone would be interested in, adding that it would sometimes be in line with that person’s other interests. “In my case, I like anime a lot, so I tend to collect the toys and action figures associated with the particular series I am following.”
Villamor also brushed aside the notion that fondness for toys is a sign of immaturity. “To each his own,” he said. He also noted that some collectors have actually turned their hobby into business, opening their own stores for other collectors.
Seeing a lot of buying and selling transactions going on during the event, Villamor also gave some advice when it comes to buying or selling items. “Honesty is the rule here.
Make sure you stick closely with the deal that you and the other party have agreed upon.” He also said that, when haggling, the buyer should not ask for way below the seller’s set price.
After the interview, I went on to enjoy more of the convention, carrying the new figure I bought from Villamor to add to my own collection. Will I still be attending next year? Definitely, and I am looking forward to what new plaything I would get then.
Figure 22: She was supposed to do the coverage with me. But, oh well. Try again next year, Miku.