Chicago Women's Expo

The event was held in Donald Stephen Convention Center in Rosemont, Illinois. This was one of the best experience to get pampered and discover new stuff - health, beauty, fashion, food, etc.


Chicago Women's Expo is one of the biggest event dedicated to all women regardless of your age. It was my first time to attend and it was overwhelming. The moment we arrived the venue, we checked out booths and when we reached the Regis Salon (which was located at the corner), they were giving away ticket stubs. We got our numbers and we didn't know what's store for us. Then, the lady announced that they were picking random numbers and winners, what's the prize? - a hair makeover for free! So, we were seated near the stage and wait until my number was called second to the last! We lined up and wait for our turn. The stage I think occupies 10 salon chairs.

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It's my turn, my Mom took these photos (my hair is a mess at that moment so I wanted a haircut so badly!). My stylist mentioned I should never layered my hair so she just trim about 2 inches of my hair and straightened it (magic iron works!).

Here's the finished product, tadaaa!


Other booths have free spa / massage treatment, cooking demos, free taste of goodies, free samples, free manicure, free makeup...everything inside is so overwhelming free!!! Also, if you purchase some of the products you'll have the chance to win great prizes.


Here are some of the photos I took using my Samsung phone. Next year, I promise to attend earlier so that I can have a total makeover.

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