Wordpress users: How to claim Google Authorship

google authorship

Finally, I was able to acquire my authorship in Google in just few easy steps. Why do you need to do this? Well, any website owners it is important to claim your identity of any contents you have shared in your website.

And, now claiming Google Authorship is just easy 1-2-3 ...

1. Logon to your Wordpress site
2. Go to Edit your profile and enter your G+ Profile link, add some of your bio info too
3. Go to your G+ page, Edit your profile and Add custom link (Contributor to section)
4. Test your page by viewing here - http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets#

Congratulations for claiming your Google Authorship!

source: http://www.copyblogger.com/wordpress-google-authorship/


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