Beyond Blogging: 2010 Philippine Blog Awards

So, what's the secret in order for your blog to get noticed? Do you have plans of joining the next year search for the top bloggers in the Philippines?

Have you written a hundred posts and only few do well? Do you have that stunning power to persuade, entertain or motivate your readers?

Spending hours online and if you have unable to plan on what's your next post is all about maybe these tips may help you to increase your chance to get noticed.

FOCUSING - I've read that instead of using "I" focusing on ourselves, why not focused the attention to your readers

PROBLEM SOLVING/CASE PROBLEMS - Put into consideration, your readers have to deal with their day to day lives as well. Why not include their top most priorities and create a resolution through your blog entries? As simple as, where to find the newest place to dine in? or how to budget your money this Christmas?

IDEAS, in general are thoughts you would like to share. In cases of writing a hundred of suggestions, why not cut them into 2 or 3 parts and let your readers go back for more! Well, if your articles are worth to wait then, ask your readers to subscribe on your blog to get the latest updates and remind them to visit your blog

SHORT ENTRIES, valuable yet seeking attention posts are most welcome specially when your posting a photo that doesn't need a whole paragraph explanation. Write something that will audience ask where and how you did on certain things. Thats interaction!

RESEARCHING, most topics are scattered everywhere, make sure that you go with your niche and start writing your content and be comfortable. Forcing your self to write will stress you out and expect a low esteem after.

These are just tips, and its really up to the blogger on how he/she will deal with his/her blog. Promotions is a great tool, just don't spam your friends inboxes and ask them to visit your site! Let the visitors come into your place!

resource: problogger


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