Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty

Most of the times when we asked for something or look for certain things for an answer, we tend to research or consult someone we know. But when it comes to the meaning of 'real beauty,'--none of us will answer, that's me no need to search for answers???? (laughing).

I've checked online and to my surprise, Wikipedia has a long description of 'beauty,' quoting from the website: An "ideal beauty" is an entity which is admired, or possesses features widely attributed to beauty in a particular culture, for perfection (

To you, how do you simply this statement? Actually, beauty is something that we often see or feel regardless of the situation. Some feels it was only a pleasure, but the true meaning of beauty is something that we cannot see.

Dove's Real Beauty Campaign
Would you believe that 96% of women think they are not BEAUTIFUL. Yes, you read it right. And this time, Dove continues to prove that women should realize that being beautiful is not just physical aspects but having realize wholeheartedly that they're really beautiful!

Dove's Offer to all Filipinas
Let us reveal our real beauty by joining Dove's latest campaign to Reveal our Glowing skin.

How to Join? Simply, take the seven day challenge, and take a close up photo of you and upload your photo at Dove's official Facebook page, Deadline of submissions is on October 31. Lucky 10 women will be featured from among the entries who will be given the privilege to represent the essence of real beauty. A grand photo exhibit will feature the ten women in billboard on Edsa.

Also, Sara Black joins the Dove team to capture Dove's real beauties together with other female photographers. All photos will be used in the new Dove billboard and in a grand photo exhibit later this year.

More thank skin deep, Dove is in beyond search for real Filipinas in celebration of woman's new found confidence inside and out.

Thank you Dove, for making me feel -- BEAUTIFUL :)







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