Your to do list before 2013


Here is some essential to do list before new year. These are a combination of a short and long term that will serve as your yearly guide of improvements throughout the year.

1. Check on expired foods, medicines, etc - This is the best time for you to throw any stored foods, medicines, cosmetics that will expire in December 2012 or early 2013. Clean up your storage room, and make an inventory of the things for replacements.

2. Statement of Accounts / Important documents, Bills, etc - Better collate all necessary important documents and remind yourself of some activities to settle in your bank, utilities or insurance.

3. General Cleaning - Hmmm, obviously take away all those unused stuffs, and clean up your house

4. List of accomplishments for 2012 - Well, these are just part of your self-improvement. Create your best list of things you have done either on work, personal, travel, food, etc and highlight each moment. Be proud of your accomplishments.

5. Existing Projects - There are backlog projects for this year, expand your ideas and determine your date of project completion. If you're working on something for a long term (like fixing your home, setting up a new desktop pc, working out/gym, etc); be sure you keep these worth doing, otherwise it will only waste your time.

Hmmmm, I am planning to enroll a driving lesson next year (target month: first quarter / second quarter of 2013)

6. Time Schedule / Spacing - If you weren't able to calculate your time last year. Then, it's about time for you to set a guideline in each appointments. Make adjustments on your meeting, project updates and consultation. Giving an extra space of time for each activity will make your goals attainable.

7. End of the Year Sale - Oh, don't forget that inventory sale & end of the year sale are the two best shopping days of the year.

These are just few tips to consider and feel free to add any specific items depending on your need.

Just always remember. Be Specific and set quantifiable goals.

Happy 2013!


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