A Must Try: Soyami Soya Chips

Eating chips is very common to us specially during free time at home, school or work. I also tried eating healthy chips that are available in the market. Soyami Soya Chips is the newest healthy snack for you. This Christmas, where all the 'foods' were being prepared on the table that we couldn't resist the temptation to eat them :). I'm glad that I've found another healthy snack, and I should say, you must try it too. Read below and discover more about this healthy snack, Soyami Soya Chips

Happy Healthy Eating!


The Christmas holiday period is traditionally a time for celebration, time to enjoy the festivities – festivities of lots of foods. However, the festive season often brings many detrimental health effects because of the foods that are usually prepared for the season. After Christmas is the start of New Year!

The start of a new year brings new possibilities and new beginnings. This is also the time of year when people are trying to commit to start a new fitness or health regime. Completely overhauling their lifestyle for the better or at least to shed some pounds or get back in shape. There are the resolutions made every year to exercise, eat right, and get personal finances in order.

That's why Soyami Soya Chips offers you the best deal for a healthy new year! Eating Soyami Soya Chips is like You will have no worries and no hesitations even if you have eaten that much. That is the reason why Soyami Soya Chips is tapping Fitness First for this great deal this new year because we want consumers to increase their health concerns. Customers who purchase Soyami Trial Pack will be given a three five-day gym trial pass. This is a great deal right!? Because Soyami Soya Chips is your healthy choice for healthy snacking!

Soyami Soya Chips is your healthier choice to snacking! It is made with Real Soya, No MSG, High in Protein and Calcium and O% transfat. Soyami Soya Chips, those healthy-goodness snacks that appear like nacho chips come in Original, White Cheddar and Pizza flavors, are now available in leading supermarkets and groceries and in convenience stores throughout Metro Manila, Cebu and Davao.

Start the year right with proper diet and proper choosing of foods. Because there’s nothing like the gift of good health this New Year. For more information about Soyami, like http://www.facebook.com/healthysoyami on Facebook,  follow @healthysoyami on Twitter, or visit www.amsoyami.com.


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