Conrad Perreras on BlueWater Day Spa Combo Massage and Beaubelle products

Strategic Broker and Wellness Activist Conrad Perreras
By his own words, Conrad Perreras, the president and CEO of Beyond Beauty Corporation is “an economist by training, a marketing practitioner by profession, and an entrepreneur by choice. But as a person I do strategic brokering. I try to look for people with bright ideas and connect them with people in need of these ideas.”

To be a strategic broker, says Conrad, one has to be consistently optimistic. One also has to have the ability to balance the pros and cons of every issue, and adopt a winning attitude. The same qualities also serve him in good stead in marketing Beaubelle, a superior line of skincare products. While he may have his hands full, Conrad got himself involved in a movement called Wellness for Life. He explains: “This is housed under the Wellness Organization worldwide. Essentially it talks about the different pillars of wellness, the different dimensions of wellness. And in the end, it’s giving the people the options to live a healthy life.”

This enterprising man also shows his love for the planet by aligning himself with the Bamboo Network of the Philippines—an organization that actively pursues bamboo propagation in idle government lands. “Three years ago we got concerned about climate change—the fact that we are living in a planet that is continuously deteriorating. And therefore, we wanted to contribute in our own little way what we can do to improve the environment. So we grouped ourselves together among the scientists, advocates and entrepreneurs and see what we can do for the environment. That is how we discovered that bamboo is the biggest ‘captor’ of air pollutants. Now, we are trying to harness the best of bamboo science and technology for people and the environment.”

But when he needs to indulge the body he automatically heads to BlueWater Day Spa where he can balance body, mind and spirit, and get complete pampering. Because it uses Beaubelle products, Conrad knows that he gets the best treatments whenever he goes to BlueWater Day Spa.

“Beaubelle is a brand that was initiated in Switzerland and distributed in this part of the world through their central distribution center in Malaysia. Beaubelle is a skin care line which essentially caters to the spa and wellness industry—offering facial products, body treatments, hand and foot treatments, and the like. They offer aromatherapy oil which is being used for massage. It is one that not only provides the total spa experience, but also produce the desired results,” explains Conrad.

Here, to get rid of his stresses and gives his body the best pampering, Conrad goes for the Combo Massage, using of course Beaubelle’s Aromatherapy Oil, or Relaxing Massage Oil. But whenever he comes from the gym and wants to soothe his painful muscles, he avails of a body massage using Beaubelle’s Body Aches and Pains Oil.


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